Sunday, July 09, 2006

Summer time

So, I just wanted to let you know that summer is officially here. I found it myself. For some unknown reason (which I wish I could figure out) I get sunburned bad once a year, at the beginning of summer. Traditionally I have always called this the start of summer. So, just to let you all know, summer is officially here.

To top it all off as I was doing the yard work which led to start of summer I was also stung by a bee or wasp or some other mean insect and now my wrist is about the same size as my elbow.

Just to explain this pic. Big D figured out how to scratch the inside of his mouth with his finger......through his ear. Pretty neat trick if I do say so myself. He thought it was pretty funny also.

Tip of the day: always put on sunscreen (preferably before outdoor activity) and in my case


Anonymous said...

about the sunscreen... you can't teach an old dog new tricks(lol)You have always forgot that. About the bee... I am sorry I feel your pain. Cute pic.

Anonymous said...

Cute picture! It's amazing what a child can learn from there G-pa.
I seen Dawson trying this with your Dad at your B-day party. As for the sunscreen,"you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. You will learn one of these years. MOM