Thursday, July 06, 2006


So I came to the realization a couple of weeks ago that out house is ran by a 2 year old and a 4 year old. To give them credit they are almost 3 and 5, which I guess would old enough to run a household. Just ask them, they will agree.

Anyway, about the time we realized that we were being overran we decided to lay down the law (ha,ha). Anyone that knows us and our kids would attest that that is a joke. Three or four days down the road funny things start to happen. Big D my four year old switches gears and wants to be the good example (YES!), but Ms. M must of had an epiphany or found herself or something. She 180'd into little mis' thing that is not going to take any crap from any body.

Peek-A-Boo mom and dad here is the real me. Well Ms. M we love you anyway and I guess three is old enough be independent, right?

Hope the pictures are getting better. If anyone stumbles across this and likes them let me know.

Until next time...


Anonymous said...

I would have to agree that you guys laying down the law is a joke.. I see who the "parents" are at your house... one likes to wear cowboy boots, and the other thinks shes a princess. The photo is great.


D.J. Ashby said...

Sorry about the typos in this one. I promise I will proof read from here on out.

Anonymous said...

Hi D.J
I agree with Loni, you should be a writer, you have always been able to sit down and just write get the point across or even a good grade. All the pictures are great and I love the stories or writting with them. Keep up the good work and pictures. I have passed your blog addres on to a few people so you better keep it coming. Love MOM