Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Lucky Ducks

We are some lucky people. Just in case you forgot we live in America, which by default, makes us lucky. I couldn't ask for a better place to live. We have more freedoms and rights than another nation or country.

We do not have anyone telling us what to watch on t.v. or forcing us to go to certain church. We often over look the greatness of this nation. This fourth, as with every fourth of July, I felt humbled to be a part of and had to opportunity to serve this great nation and people.

As you walk through the mall or down the street and see all the different races and religions that are able to live in unity here remember those who were not so fortunate. Those who have died because someone believed differently than they did. And most of all lets not forget those who have died trying to give the oppressed a better life.

All in all, we are some lucky ducks to be were we are.

Hope you all enjoyed the fireworks, our little circle was great.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is about time you posted another blog. I agree with you, we are lucky. I didn't know you were such a writer. You are very well rounded and I hope I pick up on some of your traits. Thanks for coming over last night... we should hang out more often.
