Tuesday, January 02, 2007

What kind of dream are you having?

I know, I know....I have been slacking and it has turned into months and months with no update. Not a lot is different. I finished my first semester at Westminster College. Christmas came and passed. All is well, just like usual.

Funny thing happened the other day. O.K. I am going to preface this by saying sometimes the funniest things are also the most annoying. That being said, I was sleeping the other day. I work funny hours and sometimes sleep in the day. My kids think this is the strangest thing ever. Specially if I haven't worked a grave shift in a while. So it is about noon and I am sound asleep and then "Dad, Dad....Dad wake up". It was that distressed, anxious voice that only a five year old can make. Huh, what....as I roll over and my son is in bed with me shoes and all, "What kind of dream are having?" That is all he wanted to know, what I was dreaming about. I thought it was pretty funny. Dreams are great (sleeping ones and real life ones) and I am glad that I have kids that keep in line that way.

So the picture today has nothing to do with anything. I just walked across the street earlier today and took some pics of the pretty old horse there and thougt this one was neat. Oh, by the way, I am thinking of starting a camera club so if anyone is interested or knows anyone that would be let me know.

Later.....hopefuly sooner this time :)