Friday, October 31, 2008

Wow, I really need to post more often!

First off, an apology for not posting in a VERY long time and for not having a picture for this one. I'm not really sure who I am apologizing to. Surely there is no one still reading this. Just so I feel better I will post anyways.
So, I'm sitting here thinking about all the things that I shoulda-coulda-woulda said in my blog had I actually been posting and I decided it would be impossible to completely catch up so I'm not even going to try. What now? I am going to hop on the "ten things I am loving right now" train. So here you go, 10 Things I'm loving right now:

1. That my wife is creating art...and loving it.

2. That my baby is excited to see me even if I only went to another room for a second.

3. My new long board.

4. Being able to wear sweat shirts in the cool fall weather.

5. That Big D actually likes to read. Hope this one sticks.

6. That the yard work is pretty much done for the winter.

7. That my daughter still likes to play with me even though she is a super girly-girl and I', not.

8. That I am actually learning stuff in school that pertains to my career goals.

9. Fancy hot choclate. I know I sound like a girl, but dang that stuff is good.

10. Work. Not real work, but work in the photo lab at school. I get paid there, so it is work.

This is quite possibly the cheesiest blog I have ever posted (not that it matters, I'm sure no one is reading anyway). Things have just been good lately. People have been happy, school has been pretty easy, what else could I ask for. I guess good times equal cheesy blogs. Next time I promise a picture or two. I have a few goods that I would like to show off.

Hopefully, next time will be sooner than the last.